Lameness issues are among the most common that we treat. Soundness in horses is everything and even a small issue can quickly affect the total wellbeing of the horse.
Our team have a vast range of experience in the examination, assessment and treatment of lameness in horses. Full lameness exams can be done either at our clinic, or at an owner's property or training facility.
A lameness work-up can be a combination of the following steps:
A detailed history to determine how long the problem has been present and what factors may influence it.
Evaluation of the horse standing, at a walk, trot and canter if necessary.
Flexion tests of the fetlocks, knees, hocks and stifles are a useful part of a lameness examination. These can sometimes temporarily exacerbate lameness and therefore help to localise the source of pain.
Perineural or intra-articular analgesia (nerve and joint blocks) involving an injection of local anaesthetic either around nerves or directly into the joints. Desensitising particular areas and evaluating the difference in lameness can help determine the source of lameness.
Imaging of the region or regions suspected to be the source of pain may then be performed to look for abnormalities in the bone or soft tissue structures.
Once a diagnosis is made, a suitable range of therapeutic treatments can be used to treat and resolve the issue.